5GINFIRE Workshop at ETSI 7th OSM Hackfest

What are the 5G verticals needs in performing experiments?

5GinFIRE supported the 7th OSM Hackfest (9-13 Sept. 2019) and organized a workshop in Patras on September the 11th.  As one of the most successful OSM Hackfest organized, about 80 participants attended this specialized event thanks to the University of Patras who provided complex technical infrastructure and expertise. This was usefully organized as OSM is key part of the 5GinFIRE infrastructure and the project looks for active interaction with the community. In cooperation with the OSM community, the 5GinFIRE project organized a full dedicated half day workshop on discussing 5G test beds offers to Verticals and highlighting the OSM importance. After a keynote from Christos Tranoris, University of Patras presented the potential of 5GinFIRE tests infrastructure, Juan Rodriguez Martinez from Telefonica reminded on the importance of “how OSM can accelerate 5G Vertical services”. Benoit Orihuela from EGM presented the cooperation between the 5GTango and 5GinFIRE projects in providing Validation&Verification (V&V) services. Finally, the 5GinFIRE project organized the presentations of view points in three verticals: the automotive, the media and the security domains. At the end, a networking event was chaired by Mona Hrapkowicz from Intel and OSM MARCOM Chair. She confirmed great interested by the audience on the interaction between the various technologies such NFVs, OSM, the interest of organizing experiments and the needs coming from the vertical industries. This conclusion paves the way of the 5GinFIRE exploitation activities towards the verticals.

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